On the evening of 24/01/2024, the team of Metro Center received and welcomed a delegation from the German Consulate in the Kurdistan Region, Ms. Emily Hartmann, Consul for Political Affairs, Mr. Ihsan Walzi, a consulatant at the consulate.
At the outset, the team of Metro Center warmly welcomed the visiting delegation to Sulaymaniyah city and Metro Center.
The Consul for Political Affairs at the German Consulate expressed his pleasure for the meeting and said that they had received the report of the center and were delighted to discuss topics closely owing to the fact that they deemed Metro Center reports of vital importance.
The Metro Center team shed light on the annual report of the center, which is one of the activities of the Metro Center, in which it documents the violations practiced against the journalists and media outlets, then it discloses to the public the parties responsible for these violations.
They also conversed on the recommendations submitted to the Kurdistan Regional Government with the aim of ending violation and strengthening the principle of accountability and ending the phenomenon impunity from punishment for the crimes committed against the journalists.
And also shed light on the research (Challenges Facing Women in the Media Institutions in the Kurdistan Region) which was prepared by Ms. Hazhan Khalid, a volunteer researcher at Metro Centre.
The aim of this study is to identify the challenges faced by women and female journalists and media workers in the institutions of the Kurdistan Region.