Metro: network 19 becomes an active human rights movement

Metro: network 19 becomes an active human rights movement

Metro, Sulaymaniyah: legal advisor of Metro Center announced that the installation of "network 19” will become a wide movement for human rights in Kurdistan region, with the intention of monitoring and protecting rights including freedom of speech.
Today March 26th 2024 in the Metro Center main office, with the participation of a number of university students, a focus group was managed which its subject was discussing the installation of (network 19) like a center for human rights monitoring,

among them freedom of speech, which will be supervised by Metro Center.
First, coordinator of (network 19) Shaee Aso briefly mentioned the work plans and goals of the alliance, announced that this step taken by Metro creates a wide alliance for all those who believe in freedom of speech. "We will monitor all violation and threats against civil activities, freedom of speech all around Kurdistan, and we think that there is a threat

on this right” She spoke.
Shwan Jamal Dara, Metro Center’s legal advisor, shed the light on the importance of creating this network and alliance for protecting the rights of freedom of speech with great detail. "Metro will stand against all attempts that intent to block people from

speaking their mind freely” he mentioned.
He also said "those who are in conflict with authorities, their rights should be protected and not be imprisoned” "whoever gets imprisoned for speaking their mind with a peaceful intent and in a peaceful was, we as network 19 will support them” he stressed.
The participants expressed their opinions on the project that Metro Center prepared about the works and goals of the network.

Metro Center

 (network of alliance 19) Based on Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the article expresses the right to freedom of expression. It includes:
 "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

Photo: Hozan Kamal



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