Al-Haboubi Square Statement

Yesterday, Nasiriyah was preparing to remember the massacre of Zaitoun on Nov.28 /2019.which was committed against unarmed peaceful  demonstrators, in which dozens of Nasiriyah were killed by live bullets and hundreds others  wounded left dozens of  disabled young protesters. The systematic oppresions  of the government and  militias that supporting it continued for two days last year.

Within  this sad circumstance for recall, we are  shocked  by militias  storming of Haboubi Square .Militias belong ti one of the partisan parties (the Sadrist movement) that admitted the crime through statements belonging to its leadership,  with different  kinds of weapons. Resulted  more than a hundred martyrs and wounded protesters.

This massacre took place in front of the security forces   who  did not provide protection to Al-Haboubi Square protesters ,as it seems it was done by agreement between the two parties.
These militias took absolute control of the governorate center with their weapons and managed to overthrow the city with their own hands, and the security forces and the central and local government did not show any acts.

- Therefore, we demand the high religion authority to intervene to protect the lives of young people and punish the criminal militias  legally and  criminalizing them , as these militias claim religious behavior towards the comprehensive revolution of all sects and different  Iraqi society components  and to press with us on the government and the United Nations to find a way out of this difficult crisis.

- We also demand from Al-Haboubi Square,  Al-Kadhimi government to present its resignation to this great failure to preserve the prestige of the state, and failure ti protect the lives of the people, and  their rights to protest, reject and express.

- As for the local government of Dhi Qar represented by its governor and the police chief who allowed this crime and did not interfere with any acts  .we say that Nasiriyah will punish you for this great disappointment.

We demand the United Nations to intervene immediately and announce that the successive governments are incapable of protecting their  people, that the massacres have multiplied,repeated  and resulted  a lot of death and destruction  in the presence of the illegal out of control  weapons . the government  did not   interfere in protecting the Iraqis.

Glory and eternity to our martyrs, speedy recovery of the wounded, and shame and disgrace to the leaders of death and devastation in Iraq.

This statement is written in  Haboubi Square the steadiness square.
Haboubi Square is the conscience of the October Revolution
On Saturday in the afternoon


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